Total Revenue       
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Combined Sales :      
                       2,67,15,188                    8,47,63,955               17,07,61,576    
                       2,67,15,188                    8,47,63,955               17,07,61,576
 Total Revenue                        2,67,15,188                    8,47,63,955               17,07,61,576
Growth % 217% 101%
1. The Company aims to generate a revenue of 2.6 cr by the end of first Year.Sources of revenue being Visual Sense and Album Sense.  
2. The Company aims to generate a revenue of 8.4 cr by the end of Second Year.Sources of revenue being Visual Sense and Album Sense.  
3. The Company aims to generate a revenue of 17.0 cr by the end of Third Year.Sources of revenue being Visual Sense and Album Sense.